Sensor Inquiry

What do you need in a sensor?

What do you need in a sensor? Let us know by completing the form below (if you are unsure about any items, just leave blank). One of our team members will contact you with information on how recent developments in sensor technology can address your requirements.

Have any questions? Contact us at 818.843.6211 and ask for Sales.

    Type of Sensor   


    Pressure Rating
    System: From 0 to PSI
    Proof: PSI
    Burst: PSI
    Accuracy: %

    Hermetically sealed? YesNo
    Excitation: VDC
    Amplified output: to Volts
    Non-amplified output: to mV
    Current output: to mV
    Dielectric strength: V RMS

    Environmental (ambient conditions)
    Temperature: to (indicate °F°C )
    Vibration: to Hz, up to g's
    Shock: g's
    Lightning: Direct PinCable Bundle; Level

    Contact Information(required)

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